A guide to migrating MariaDB to Mysql

Migrating from MariaDB to MySQL isn’t necessarily difficult, but it involves a few more steps than a simple upgrade.  Here’s a breakdown:

  • Incompatibility: MariaDB and MySQL, while similar, have diverged over time.  A direct in-place upgrade is not possible. [1]
  • Logical Dump and Load: You’ll need to perform a logical dump of your MariaDB data, which captures the database structure and table data in a format usable by MySQL.  This dump can then be loaded into your new MySQL instance. [1]

There are two main approaches for the migration:

  1. Manual Method: This involves creating the dump from MariaDB and then using the MySQL command line to set up the database and import the data. [2, 3]
  2. Migration Tools: There are tools like MySQL Workbench that offer a migration wizard to automate the process [4].

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Backup: Always create a full backup of your MariaDB data before starting the migration process  This allows you to go back in case of any issues.
  • Compatibility Checks: While most things should migrate smoothly, it’s advisable to check for any potential incompatibilities between MariaDB features you might be using and MySQL’s capabilities. [1]

Overall, with some planning and the right approach, migrating from MariaDB to MySQL is achievable.

The manual method for migrating from MariaDB to MySQL involves two main steps:

  1. Dumping the MariaDB data: This creates a SQL file containing the database schema and table data.
  2. Importing the data into MySQL: This loads the dumped data and schema into your new MySQL database.

Here are the commands for each step:

Dumping MariaDB Data:

mysqldump -u <username> -p <database_name> > data.sql

  • Replace <username> with your MariaDB username.
  • Replace <password> with your MariaDB password (use the -p flag to prompt for password).
  • Replace <database_name> with the name of the database you want to migrate.
  • > data.sql redirects the output to a file named “data.sql”. You can change this filename as desired.

Importing Data into MySQL:

mysql -u <username> -p <database_name> < data.sql

  • Replace <username> with your MySQL username.
  • Replace <password> with your MySQL password (use the -p flag to prompt for password).
  • Replace <database_name> with the name you want to to use for the imported database in MySQL (it can be the same name as the MariaDB database).
  • < data.sql specifies the file containing the dumped data (“data.sql” in this example).

Additional Notes:

  • You might need to adjust some syntax after the dump, especially if you’re using features specific to MariaDB. For example, MariaDB’s Aria storage engine might need to be converted to InnoDB for MySQL.
  • Consider using the –skip-triggers option with mysqldump if you want to avoid migrating database triggers. You can create them manually later in your new MySQL environment.

For a more robust migration, it’s recommended to consult resources on potential incompatibilities between MariaDB functionalities and MySQL versions.

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